Grupo orenes is commited to health
At Grupo Orenes we work day after day to achieve the goal of providing greater guarantees and more equal opportunities for everyone, through our support and solidarity.
Last February, a ‘Blood Donation Day’ took place in our Melilla delegation, where our team carried out the day in favor of the Melilla Brotherhood of Blood Donors.
Also, this March, on the occasion of the celebration of International Women’s Day, a solidarity check in the amount of € 1,500 was delivered in favor of the Amiga Association in the ‘Breast Cancer Prevention Workshop’. This workshop was given to all employees by the Breast Unit of the Hospital Mesa del Castillo and Sanitas. The Group thus maintains its support to the cause so that progress in the prevention and control of this disease is increasingly greater.
committed to greater social development
For the Group, sustainability and its social commitment are very important. In order to promote this, the Gran Hotel Casino Extremadura leisure complex has allocated 5% of its profit to a prevention and reserarch project for responsible gambling, tohether with seven entities, with the aim of continuing to create a more committed sociey,
On the other hand, in Extremadura the Red Genera@Igualdad agreement has also been renewed with YMCA España, an organization that works for the integral development of children, youth and equal opportunities.
constant commitment to improving the company´s energy efficiency
Grupo Orenes is carrying out a new environmental project at its Murcia headquarters and logistics warehouse, with the aim of improving energy efficiency and reducing its carbon footprint and enviromental impact.
The company has made an installation of different solar panels to supply the two buildings, as well as the different electric vehicle charging points installed and made available to all employees and to the company´s fleet, the majority of wich is made up of electric cars.
The Group also has an active energy management plan that monitors all its major work centers. This helps to reduce consumption and achieve greater efficiency in the facilities.
solidarity is key to the success and progress of society
At Grupo Orenes we continue to show our side of solidarity with those who need us most.
This Christmas, we collaborated with Caixabank´s “Tree of Dreams”, fulfulling the dreams of children at risk of social exclusion who sent us their letters.
Likewise, this year, we have once again carried out the ‘Blood Donation Day’ at the Orenes Group’s Central Offices together with the Regional Blood Donation Center of the Region of Murcia.
At the same time, the Group, from its leisure complex Orenes Gran Casino Castellón, presented a solidarity check for the amount of 1,000€ in favor of the Spanish Association Against Cancer, on the occasion of the celebration of World Cancer Day. The Group thus maintains its commitment and shows its social responsibility to advance in the prevention and control of this disease.
for a world full of opportunities and equality for all
At Grupo Orenes we are convinced that companies must be the driving force behind society, actively collaborating with all social agents to ensure that our society is full of opportunities and real equality for all.
For this reason, this year we have collaborated in the traditional charity match organized between sportsmen and artist of the national scene held at the Atlético de Madrid Civitas Metropolitano stadium in favor of the Down Madrid association.
On the other hand, Grupo Orenes has delivered a solidarity check to Ucam Murcia BSR, team and school of adapted sports.
Due to this, one more year, these associations have more resources to support these people and their families.
for a society where sharing is the greatest success
At the Orenes Group we are convinced that companies must be the driving force behind the transformation of our environment, actively collaborating with all social agents to ensure that our society is increasingly fairer, with opportunities, stable and quality employment and real equality for all.
The company continues to work to be an active part of change and to achieve sustainability through social responsibility. On this occasion, the Group, from its Gran Hotel Casino Extremadura leisure complex, and in collaboration with the Regional Government of Extremadura, handed over almost €500,000 to 28 social organisations in the region to collaborate in the financing of projects aimed at supporting families and people with disabilities, job placement programmes, inclusive leisure and family respite, home help, care for the elderly or dependent people and day centres, among other areas.
Likewise, following the outbreak of war in Ukraine and the extreme health needs that have arisen, the Orenes Group has participated in the ’30×15 Challenge’ launched by the CaixaBank Volunteers Association, the Santa Clara Convent Foundation and Mensajeros de La Paz, and has contributed funds to purchase one of the medicalised ambulances that have been taken to Ukraine to treat the wounded on the ground and transfer medical-surgical material between the different Ukrainian cities.
Our commitment is stronger when we share it with others
Society bids farewell to a year 2020 full of complexity, but at Orenes Group we continue to show our most supportive side by standing by those who need us most. Thanks to the work of all of us, commitment, involvement and daily effort, we make it possible for Orenes Group to help and contribute to the development of the 230 children currently being cared for by ASTEAMUR (Association for people with autism spectrum disorder in Murcia) and their families. In the same way, this commitment allows us to continue collaborating with the integration of the members of the Murcia BSR School Project (wheelchair basketball). Through this project, the team acquires all the specific sports material and works to achieve an integral training of their sportsmen and women.
Thanks to this effort that you have all been a part of, today these associations have more resources to provide solutions and support to these people and their families during a year like this. They have asked us to convey their most sincere gratitude and recognition for having been able to maintain our commitment, and give them the opportunity to continue working for real equality among all. Thank you for making this possible!
Grupo Orenes entrega más de 500 kilos de alimentos a los más necesitados
Once again this year, Orenes Group joins the solidarity challenge of food collection launched by the Fundación Hospitalidad Santa Teresa de Cartagena and the Banco de Alimentos del Segura de Murcia.
This Christmas, Orenes Group has counted on the involvement of its employees in this solidarity action by delivering more than 500 kilos of non-perishable food that both organisations will distribute among those who do not have access to the most basic resources.
Orenes Group, one more year with the families of Asteamur
In 2019 Orenes Group has not missed one of its most important charity events of the year, the “Run Day” race for the benefit of ASTEAMUR.
The day held last March in the city of Murcia was aimed at the whole family and reached the figure of 1,200 registrations, of which 400 were children.
On the occasion of this race, a cheque valued at €30,000 was presented to finance all the costs of organising the event. In this way, the profits obtained from the registrations have been entirely allocated to the Early Intervention of children suffering from autism spectrum disorder in the Region of Murcia.
Javier López, General Manager of Orenes Group: “All of us who are part of this Company are very proud to be able to contribute to the great work that ASTEAMUR carries out with the families who need its services on a daily basis. Once again this year we want to show our commitment to all their projects in order to continue building a fairer society with equal opportunities for all”.
Congratulations to all participants.
Multiplying smiles in Mexico
For yet another year, Orenes Group Mexico carried out the great work of collecting toys “Multiplicando sonrisas” (Multiplying smiles), a campaign that since mid-November set the goal of surpassing last year’s goal, and we did it!
Thanks to the work and effort of our friends, customers and collaborators, we have given smiles to more than 350 children who belong to cancer treatment foundations in Querétaro, homeless children’s associations in Chihuahua, and also in remote communities in León, Guanajuato.
This experience has left us with a pleasant satisfaction and motivation to continue carrying out more actions that benefit society and strengthen the union and teamwork.
We hope that this initiative has achieved a small change in the enthusiasm of the children with the visit of Caliente Casino to spend a pleasant time with them on the occasion of the traditional Three Kings Day.